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solving your pain with PainSol

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Pain is caused from an inflamed or damaged nerve.

The Rhizotomy procedure could be your answer to

your pain without the need for surgery.


The information in the brochure is not to be seen as

medical advice or a consultation. 


Please discuss this procedure with your Surgeon,

General Practitioner, Chiropractor or Physiotherapist. 


What is a Rhizotomy?

The procedure is also known as Radiofrequency Lesioning or Ablation, and requires a Radiofrequency Generator to generate a current to interrupt the pain signal transmission. The Radiofrequency current alters/heats the tissue in and around the nerve, relieving the pain. Radiofrequency Lesioning is a widely and safe method used, to treat a patient suffering with pain.


During the procedure what will happen?

The procedure will take place in theatre where you are either sedated or under General Anaesthetic. Fluoroscopy will be used to assist the trained Surgeon to place a cannula accurately into the area of pain. A probe, connected to the Radiofrequency Generator is then inserted into the cannulated cannula. A radiofrequency current is then passed through the probe to disrupt the specific nerve causing your pain. The procedure takes approximately 30mins.


What happens after the procedure?

The Rhizotomy procedure is a day procedure and normally the patient is ready to go home a few hours after the procedure. You may feel drowsy after the procedure, so it is advisable to have someone drive you home.

Initially, There is muscle tenderness for a few days.

A follow up visit with your Doctor is recommended 3-4 weeks after the procedure, to evaluate your results.

It is advisable for you to make an appointment with your Physiotherapist or Chiropractor to have the lesioned area Neural Flossed, to promote healing.


Common Indications:

  • Chronic Lower Back Pain

  • Chronic Neck Pain

  • Hip and Knee Pain

  • Plantar  Fasciitas

  • Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Occipital / Cluster Headaches.


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